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Security Room
Residential Buildings


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Florida House Bill 837 (HB 837) has been introduced to reduce the legal exposure of apartment and multifamily housing property owners in Florida who adopt specific crime prevention measures based on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. These measures must be supported by a documented CPTED assessment. To comply with HB 837 and minimize security and crime-related liability risks, property owners must ensure that their properties meet certain physical property requirements.


Property owners must also comply with certain procedural requirements, such as obtaining a CPTED assessment completed and documented by a law enforcement agency or a Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner (FCP) within three years. Property owners must also offer proper crime deterrence and safety training to all employees within 60 days of hiring, and to current employees by January 1, 2025.




Modern Housing Complex



Implementing these measures allows property owners to take advantage of the presumption against liability outlined in F.S. 768.0706(2) and minimize the risk of being held responsible for criminal acts committed by third parties on their property. It is important for property owners to stay informed about any updates or amendments to the bill and seek legal advice from experts like Obsidian Security & Consulting Corp. to ensure full compliance.


For more information regarding our CPTED services or to schedule your survey today, feel free to contact us at (877) 900-1801.

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